When it comes to protecting your children and your peace you deserve expert guidance from someone who’s walked the path - and found peace.

Meet Your Coach

Cat Climaco

Nationally Certified High-Conflict Divorce & Custody Coach | Protective Parent | Domestic Abuse Survivor |

Family Court Success Story

I do what I do, because I am you. I see you. I hear you. I believe you.

I’ve been there. I felt exhausted, terrified, confused, anxious, desperate, and trapped. I looked at my son and decided I could no longer stay in a marriage that I would never wish for him. That I would not let him grow up witnessing the abuse and confusing it with love. That I would break the cycle and create a better life for myself and my son. Despite the years of abuse, I made what still felt like the hardest decision of my life and filed for divorce. Today my life, my son, and my personal peace and safety are all better for it.

When I began the process of divorcing my abuser I naïvely believed that the family court system would protect us, but escaping the abuse and divorcing my son’s antagonistic father was the single most traumatic experience of my life. But it didn’t have to be.

Knowing what I know now, I wish I could go back and approach my divorce from a totally different angle. I wish I’d had someone who had been through it personally, with the knowledge, strategy and tools to help me protect my son, and my peace while navigating the experience of divorce and family court.

After 4 years of traumatic post-separation abuse and chaos inflicted upon my son’s life by his unhealthy father, the court recognized domestic abuse in our case in the form of coercive control and I was awarded sole decision-making in all areas and 75% custody with my son’s father only having parenting time every-other weekend. This protection is difficult to achieve - even with the distinction of domestic violence.

My success in family court used to be a unicorn story - but more and more survivors are securing protection for their children and themselves. It truly comes down to a process, to knowing what the courts care about (and what they don’t) so that you can achieve peace, safety, and protection for your children and yourself. I would be honored to help you navigate your way toward peace.

I am here to walk with you in it and guide you to a more peaceful presence.

“I trust my lawyer with my life, but when I began my divorce journey she made recommendations that turned out to be a disaster - and were very costly - because she didn’t understand the toxic nature of my antagonistic co-parent.

As your strategy partner that truly understands what you’re up against I can help you anticipate, strategize around, and even prevent divorce disasters.”

I specialize in…

  • Children with high or special needs require extra support and protection in family court. Learn proven strategies to protect their peace and get them the support they need to go from surviving to thriving.

  • The more hidden the abuse, the more traumatic it is to the brain and the body. I see you, I hear you, I believe you.

    After separating from an abusive partner, up to 90% of women report continued harassment, stalking or abuse. In a majority of cases the abuse escalates and intensifies after the healthy parent has escaped the relationship. This is known as Post-Separation Abuse.

    In cases involving abuse, once the healthy parent leaves the perpetrator uses the children to exert continued control and terrorize the healthy parent. This is known as Post-Separation Abuse by Proxy.

    While there is rising momentum among family court professionals being educated on Post-Separation Abuse nationwide, many professionals are still unaware of the tactics used by abusers post-separation and the damage it does to healthy parents and children trapped in this dynamic.

    Receive expert guidance on how to apply new Intimate Partner Violence, and Coercive Control protection laws to your case.

    You will also get access to a network of Domestic Violence Experts who can provide expert testimony in your case. For many protective parents, this is their best chance of protecting their children and themselves against this complex form of abuse.

  • We know how damaging the behaviors of these Characterologically Disordered individuals can be, but the family court system doesn’t “get it” and they don’t want to hear the term “narcissistic abuse”.

    Get the court-approved language and guidance to tell your story in a way that family court professionals can hear you, so they can protect you.

  • Financial abuse doesn’t just come from our ex-partners, the harsh reality is that it’s perpetuated by family court professionals who’s job it is to protect you.

    The average cost of getting divorced in the US is between $10,000 to $20,000. When your marital net worth is in the higher range that number goes up. Not every attorney, mediator, custody evaluator, or parental coordinator has your best interest in mind - and with some, all they see are dollar signs.

    Receive guidance on how to identify and prevent financial abuse at every stage of the divorce process.

  • Whether you’re a law firm looking for more education about how to support your clients through this challenging time, or you’re a client needing assistance in explaining the complex and nuanced dynamic of your toxic ex-partner to your attorney, I can help.

    The patterns of abusive behavior perpetrated post-separation by these kinds of individuals is textbook to an almost eerie degree. It’s almost as if they all read the same abuse playbook and play the same games. Let’s use that to our advantage so we can begin to recognize patterns and anticipate behavior. Once we can identify your co-parent’s toxic patterns we can strategize and plan preventative measures to protect you and your children in the marathon of family court.

    “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

  • Dr. Evan Stark reframes abuse as a "liberty crime" rather than a crime of assault.

    When you escape your abuser the abuse often escalates and can involve stalking, email and cell phone monitoring/hacking, and threats.

    Even if your ex-partner knows your passwords, accessing your personal email accounts is a criminal offense in most states. I believe you that this is happening to you - it happened to me too.

    Proving that you’ve been hacked isn’t the hard part. Proving who hacked you is possible but difficult and requires professional assistance.

    I’ll guide you through the process of identifying and stopping the abuse with a trusted network of digital forensic experts to help you protect your privacy and your peace of mind.

  • Protecting your children from the chaos and danger that comes with substance abusing ex-partners is paramount. If your ex-partner has substance use disorder and gains legal parenting time with your children it’s still possible to keep them safe with court-appointed substance use monitoring and substance use disorder evaluations that can enforce monitoring during their parenting time.

    Not all substance use monitoring is created equal - and not all of them will protect your child’s peace and safety - or yours. Learn best practices in choosing a monitoring platform that will actually keep them safe when they’re not with you.

  • “Cat offered a wealth of knowledge and resources provided in an actionable way with empathy and understanding. I wish I had her at the beginning of my divorce, because she answered and solved multiple issues I have been trying to find answers to for over two years in just two sessions.”

    - Liz E. | Peaceful Presence Client

  • “I felt overwhelmed every time I tried to tackle my divorce to-do list. Cat helped me break it down into manageable tasks & suggested creative ideas that my lawyer hadn’t thought of. I can rest easy knowing Cat helped me cover all the bases in planning my divorce.”

    — Katie R. | Peaceful Presence Client

  • "Cat met me where I'm at with my journey. She didn't go through a scripted plan. I really appreciated that aspect. She was insightful and helpful and I feel confident in her ability to help me when the time comes. She didn't talk at me, but rather made me feel as though I was a part of the process and conversation. Thank you, Cat!"

    - D.F. | Peaceful Presence Client


  • Nationally Certified High-Conflict Divorce & Custody Coach

    The High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program was developed by Tina Swithin of One Mom’s Battle. OMB specializes in supporting survivors of narcissistic abuse as they navigate the process of divorcing a narcissist. The High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program specializes in supporting protective parents through every phase of divorce with a focus on proven strategies to protect their children family court.

  • Coercive Control and Trauma Informed Protective Parent Certification

    The Protective Parenting Program

    Trauma-Informed program to educate protective parents on how to support child victims of coercive control. As protective parents, we are our children’s saving grace. Certified by Coercive Control Consulting, Inc.

Please take a moment to look through my Library of FREE Resources designed to bring you clarity and peace.