When it comes to protecting your children and your peace you deserve expert guidance.

What is a Divorce Coach?

A divorce coach is like a divorce doula.

A divorce coach is like a divorce doula.

A trained professional who provides expert guidance and who supports another person through a significant life experience. According to the 'Holmes and Rahe stress scale', divorce is the second most stressful life event after death of a spouse.

As a divorce coach I serve as your strategy partner to increase the chances for positive outcomes for you and your children, and your support system to help guide you gracefully through the stress and unpredictability of divorce and co-parenting.

It takes a village…

  • A network of support & resources to help with nuanced issues in your case:

  • Forensic Accountants

  • Digital Security Forensic Investigators

  • Private Investigators

  • Expert Witness Reports & Testimony

  • Co-Parenting Communication Platforms

  • Domestic Violence Survivor Support Groups

  • Play Therapy Provider Referrals for Young Children

  • Protective Parenting Groups

  • Somatic Therapist Referrals for In-Body Trauma Release

  • Access to divorce industry “Red Flag Lists” to ensure high-conflict or ineffective individuals stay out of your case

  • A Healing-Focused Resource Library

You deserve holistic support to get you through this challenging time.

  • An attorney with a deep understanding of the family court system - bonus if they understand the nature of high-conflict individuals.

  • A divorce coach to help keep you grounded, think strategically and provide guidance on how to increase your chances of positive outcomes as you navigate every phase of the divorce and custody process.

  • A trauma-informed therapist to help you heal so you can move forward with clarity and peace in your life after divorce.

Hindsight is 20/20 - A divorce coach helps you avoid divorce disasters

  • Save Time - Don’t reinvent the wheel, get access to a wealth of resources to help you be as efficient with your time as possible. Having clarity around what actually matters to family court professionals - and sadly what doesn’t - allows you to focus your time and energy where it counts.

  • Save Money - Receive expert guidance in identifying good and bad family court professionals, advice, and resources to ensure that when you need to spend money during your divorce, it’s well-spent.

  • Protect Your Peace - Setting boundaries takes practice and can make all the difference in your life during and after divorce. It’s important to know which boundaries are viewed favorably by family court professionals, and those that aren’t.

  • Be Strategic - Some case-winning (and legal) tactics can’t ethically come from your attorney. Your antagonistic co-parent isn’t playing by the rules - but you don’t need to stoop to their level to achieve positive outcomes. I’ll help you get a leg up in your case with court-approved creative strategy.

Book A Session

Free 30-Minute Consultation

Individual Coaching

Online or in-person - Get custom support, and practical solutions to help you navigate divorce and family court so you can achieve positive outcomes for you and your children. Sessions are 60-minutes. Longer sessions are available upon request.

60 mins | $100 or 5 Session Pack | $450

Client-Attorney Joint Session

Online or in-person - This time will be spent together as a strategy session with your attorney to maximize your time and money. Recommended for mediation, custody evaluation, and court preparation.

60 mins | $100

Legal Team Training

Online or in-person - This private training session is designed for legal teams to gain an understanding of how to better support their clients from a more holistic approach.

Learn trauma-informed communication and strategies to support your clients as they navigate divorce & family court with a high-conflict individual, or as survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), Coercive-Control / Post-Separation Abuse, and Domestic Abuse.

60 mins | $250

Post-Separation Abuse & Protective Parent Support Group

Online only - Discover how divorce coaching with Cat can help you achieve more positive outcomes when navigating divorce & family court, and learn strategies to protect your children & your peace. Walk away with practical resources, and guidance on next steps.

30 mins | $0

Online only - This screened group provides you with a safe space to connect with other parents experiencing post-separation abuse as you endeavor to protect your children from an unhealthy co-parent.

60 mins | $45

  • "Mothers have martyred themselves in their children’s names since the beginning of time. We have lived as if she who disappears the most, loves the most. We have been conditioned to prove our love by slowly ceasing to exist. What a terrible burden for children to bear—to know that they are the reason their mother stopped living."

    Glennon Doyle

  • "We all fear pain and struggle, but they are often necessary for growth..."

    Brené Brown

  • "A broken family is a family in which any member must break herself into pieces to fit in. A whole family is one in which each member can bring her full self to the table knowing that she will always be both held and free."

    Glennon Doyle

  • "Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."

    Elie Wiesel


  • No. A divorce coach is not a therapist or an attorney. I cannot provide legal advice. I highly recommend hiring an attorney and woking with a licensed mental health professional in addition to our divorce coaching sessions.

  • Yes! I’m a nationally certified high conflict divorce coach so I can help you no matter where you live.

  • Yes. I can help you interview attorneys and other professionals, attend mediation and trial, and help you file police reports if necessary.

    I cannot attend therapy sessions or participate in sessions with GALs or Parental Coordinators as these are restricted to co-parents only.

  • Our coaching relationship and the information you share is not protected in the same way that the information you share with your attorney and therapist is protected. It is rare for divorce coaches to be subpoenaed in court, however it is a possibility. We will discuss and take precautions throughout our engagement to ensure your privacy is protected and your case is secure.

  • Loads! In addition to the Library of Free Resources on my website I offer a wealth of self care routines and tools to support you along the way and a network of professionals I’ll connect you with to help you with niche issues that may come up as you navigate your journey (child/adult therapists, trusted CFIs/PREs/Parental Coordinators, forensic accounts, cyber security experts, PIs, and more).

Please take a moment to look through my Library of FREE Resources designed to bring you clarity and peace.