Wherever you are in your divorce journey you deserve support that gives you peace of mind.

  • Pre-Filing Strategy

    Be prepared to leave your relationship safely, and informed.


  • Documentation Strategy

    A good documentation system can make a world of difference in your case.


  • Custody Evaluation Prep

    When it comes to protecting your children you need expert guidance.


  • Mediation & Trial Prep

    Mediation can either be a minefield or your best shot at protecting yourself and your children. Preparation makes all the difference.


  • Parenting Plan Guidance

    This is the roadmap for your daily life. Dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s ensures peace and sanity is protected for you and your children so you can go from surviving to thriving.


  • Co-Parent Communication

    Communicating with antagonistic exes can be exhausting, unproductive, and triggering. Learn family court approved strategies to move the conversation forward while protecting your peace.


  • Person with Protection - Self Care & Boundary Setting

    Self Care & Boundary Setting

    Get the tools & coaching you need to set boundaries and reduce trauma-related anxiety so you can be more present in your daily life.


  • Heart - Protective Parenting Support

    Protective Parenting Support

    This is the hardest work there is. Supporting your children through the chaos takes hard work, research backed tools, and truckloads of support. You’re not alone.


  • Strong Arm - Personal Power Reclamation

    Personal Power Reclamation

    The process of coming back home to yourself after escaping a toxic relationship is hard work. And it’s worth it. Get the tools & coaching you need to get clarity about your past so you can move confidently into your future.


Please take a moment to look through my Library of FREE Resources designed to bring you clarity and peace.

Looking for Legal Team Trainings?

Discover how to provide the holistic support your clients need to achieve more positive outcomes in family court.

“I felt overwhelmed every time I tried to tackle my divorce to-do list. Cat helped me break it down into manageable tasks & suggested creative ideas that my lawyer hadn’t thought of. I can rest easy knowing Cat helped me cover all the bases in planning my divorce.”

— Katie R. | Peaceful Presence Divorce Coaching Client

Book your Free 30-Minute Consultation with Cat today.